Аннотация: This is a world of magic, adventure and cute puppy antics from the bestselling author of "The Magic Kitten" series. Kelsey is feeling very frustrated. Her dad's girlfriend's twin daughters are very loud and are always taking over. If only it wa
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Аннотация: This is a world of magic, adventure and cute puppy antics from the bestselling author of "The Magic Kitten" series. Kelsey is feeling very frustrated. Her dad's girlfriend's twin daughters are very loud and are always taking over. If only it wa
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АннотацияThis is a world of magic, adventure and cute puppy antics from the bestselling author of "The Magic Kitten" series. Kelsey is feeling very frustrated. Her dad's girlfriend's twin daughters are very loud and are always taking over. If only it was just Kels
ИздательствоPenguin Books
СерияMagic puppy
АвторBentley, Sue
Год издания2009