Bathie, Holly "199 things at the seaside"
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Аннотация: Discover and name lots of things you might find at the seaside, from sandcastles, ice cream and sunglasses, to crabs, limpets and sea urchins. The book is organised into themed pages, including a rock pool, on the cliffs, out at sea and on the

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Аннотация: Discover and name lots of things you might find at the seaside, from sandcastles, ice cream and sunglasses, to crabs, limpets and sea urchins. The book is organised into themed pages, including a rock pool, on the cliffs, out at sea and on the

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АннотацияDiscover and name lots of things you might find at the seaside, from sandcastles, ice cream and sunglasses, to crabs, limpets and sea urchins. The book is organised into themed pages, including a rock pool, on the cliffs, out at sea and on the pier. Great


Серия199 pictures

АвторBathie, Holly

Год издания2018

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