Baa! baa!
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Аннотация: Play peekaboo with your baby and hear them giggle in delight as they discover animals under flaps and hear five amazing animal sounds! Read together and lift the giant flaps to reveal noisy farm animals. Where's the cow hiding? Lift the flap an

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Аннотация: Play peekaboo with your baby and hear them giggle in delight as they discover animals under flaps and hear five amazing animal sounds! Read together and lift the giant flaps to reveal noisy farm animals. Where's the cow hiding? Lift the flap an

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АннотацияPlay peekaboo with your baby and hear them giggle in delight as they discover animals under flaps and hear five amazing animal sounds! Read together and lift the giant flaps to reveal noisy farm animals. Where's the cow hiding? Lift the flap and she'll go

ИздательствоDorling Kindersley

СерияNoisy peekaboo!


Год издания2009

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