Аннотация: "The Complete Roman Army" draws on archeology, ancient art and original documentary sources to present the most convincing picture ever published of the world's most famous fighting machine. Every aspect of the Roman army, from the daily lives
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Аннотация: "The Complete Roman Army" draws on archeology, ancient art and original documentary sources to present the most convincing picture ever published of the world's most famous fighting machine. Every aspect of the Roman army, from the daily lives
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Аннотация"The Complete Roman Army" draws on archeology, ancient art and original documentary sources to present the most convincing picture ever published of the world's most famous fighting machine. Every aspect of the Roman army, from the daily lives of individu
ИздательствоThames & Hudson
СерияGreek & Roman History
АвторAdrian Goldsworthy
Год издания2011