Addonia, Sulaiman "Consequences of Love, The"
артикул Y4538631

Аннотация: Under the hot sun, the Jeddah streets resemble a scene from an old black-and-white movie: the women dressed like long, dark shadows and the men in their light cotton tunics. Nasers friends have all left town for cooler climes but he cant get aw

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Аннотация: Under the hot sun, the Jeddah streets resemble a scene from an old black-and-white movie: the women dressed like long, dark shadows and the men in their light cotton tunics. Nasers friends have all left town for cooler climes but he cant get aw

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АннотацияUnder the hot sun, the Jeddah streets resemble a scene from an old black-and-white movie: the women dressed like long, dark shadows and the men in their light cotton tunics. Nasers friends have all left town for cooler climes but he cant get away: hes an

ИздательствоRandom House

АвторAddonia, Sulaiman


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