Moyes Jojo "One Plus One, The (Жожо Мойес: Один плюс один)"
Brooks Terry "The Gypsy Morph"
Maclaine James "Never Get Bored Book"
Jonathan Elphick, Jen Green, Barbara Taylor and Richard Walker "Encyclopedia of Animals"
Carole Stott "Mad about... Space"
Binchy Maeve / Бинчи Мейв "Minding Frankie"
Pantone Inc. "Pantone Postcard Box: 100 Postcards / Книга открыток"
Robson Kirsteen "Look and Find Bugs"
Ackroyd, Peter "Fall Of Troy, The (Exclusive Europe)"
Джеймс Болдуин "Go Tell it on the Mountain"
David Crystal "Language and the Internet"