Jacomet Hugo "The Parisian Gentleman"
Bott, Daniele "Chanel: Collections and Creations"
Pricken Mario "Creative Strategies: Idea Management for Marketing, Advertising, Media and Design"
Van Gogh Paintings: The Masterpieces / Живопись Ван Гога
Restaurant Graphics / Графический дизайн для ресторанов
Contemporary Cruise: Style. Discovery. Adventure / Современный круиз:стиль,открытие, приключение
Cambridge English. First for Schools 3. Student's Book with Answers (+ Audio CD)
Street Art San Francisco: Mission Muralismo
Stamp "Future of Animal Farming"
Steinman "Invitation to Poetry"
Christof Dejung "The Foundations of Worldwide Economic Integration"
David Morley "The Cambridge Introduction to Creative Writing"
Chomsky, Noam "Cartesian linguistics"