Ansel Adams: 400 Photographs / Ансель Адамс:400 фотографий
Michael Maas "The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian"
Errington "History of the Hellenistic World"
Decorative Stone / Декоративный камень в искусстве, архитектуре, дизайне
Klaus Neuburg "Tbilisi: Archive of Transition"
Sue Elliott. Amanda Thomas. "Compact Preliminary for Schools SB no ans + CD-ROM + Testbank"
AGI:Graphic Design Since 1950 / Графический дизайн с 1950г.
Marie-Louise von Franz "Creation Myths"
Libby Mitchell Chris Barker & "Cambridge Global English Stage 7 Coursebook with Audio CD"
Galpern "Money, Oil, and Empire in the Middle East"
Duncan Black "Theory Committees and Elections"
Culpeper "Early Modern English Dialogues"
Bethell "The Cambridge History of Latin America"