Pushkin, Alexander "Queen of spades and other stories"
Addonia, Sulaiman "Consequences of Love, The"
Coleen Degnan-Veness "Pollyanna"
Fernandes Eugenie "Kitten's Winter"
Rowling J.K. / Роулинг Джоан "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets – Slytherin Edition"
Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans "Fairyland 1: Pupil's CD (аудиокурс на CD)"
Sebag Montefiore, Simon "Red Sky at Noon"
Modiano, Patrick "Search Warrant"
Susskind "Black Hole War, The"
Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans "Fairyland 4: Pupil's CD (аудиокурс на CD)"
Green Tim / Грин Тим "Above the Law / Выше закона"