SolarWinds Patch Manager PM130000 (up to 130000 nodes)-продление поддержки Арт.
Upgrade of SolarWinds Patch Manager PM4000 to PM30000 Арт.
SolarWinds Security Event Manager (formerly LEM)-SEM800 (up to 800 nodes)-Лицензия Арт.
SolarWinds Upgrade Threat Monitor Cloud 10 Day TMC100 to Threat Monitor Cloud 10 Day TMC800 Арт.
SolarWinds Network Operations Manager NOM6000 Nodes-продление поддержки Арт.
Upgrade of SolarWinds Patch Manager PM2000 to PM30000 Арт.
Upgrade of SolarWinds Application Centric Monitor ACM250 to ACM1000 (up to 1000 nodes) Арт.